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The Bee Blog


Bad-Ass Women

Looking around at the powerful brave women in this room, discussing ways they empower disenfranchised women and girls in their countries, I am proud that they are all wearing the intention bracelets I gave them from V Boutique when I met them last night. Their wrists bear witness to the bracelet messages: “she is fierce” “she believes she could” “Be a every day” “live light love”, but they are truly living these messages. I cannot show photos of these women, nor tell you exactly where they are from in order to protect their safety. But their images will forever be burned in my heart. This morning, I led an intention ceremony to open the day to bring everyone into the moment and to recognize the sisterhood and strength in the room. These young women tell stories which reveal their warrior-women power. They do not ask for permission to create more protection and safer situation. Rather, they create change by creating safeguards and insisting the system accommodate to their needs. It is truly remarkable. I am honored, and humbled, to be in this room and to help, even in a small way, to create a safe space to grow and learn. #fashion #compassion #community #women #worldwide #venturavie #vboutique #loveislove #warriorwomen #amazed

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Feb 19, 2019

Inspiring to me, as you are inspiring to them!

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