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The Bee Blog


Les Reines “the Queens” of France....

Luxembourg garden are tres jolie in the sun. A white pony who seemed to lock eyes with me, lured me in and then gave me un petit snuggle (!) Children playing loudly in french seem somehow so much more charmant then their english speaking equivalent. pourquoi?!? my intent in the luxembourg gardens was to see the 20 statutes of french queens which circle the gardens since 1843. Their presence is both beautiful and formidable. My photos reveal some of their strength and luminosity. But, too fully enjoy, I recommend finding a cold cement bench, with the sun at your neck, and the birds in your ears, and the church bells ringing, and loads of relaxed parisians. Add 20 deep, sweet breaths. Et Voila!

The“queen” theme continued through the day as I joined my new friend, Brigette, to see Jean Paul Gaultier’s Fashion Freak Show at the Folies Bergere, an ornate art deco theatre near Montmartre. ooh la la! très risqué. i loved every gender-bending, fashion fabulous, 80s music blaring, message of free expression and love and acceptance. fashion, art, love — meant to be free. queen that baby!

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